2012 St. John's

Plenary Speaker
Former Chief of the Defense Staff
Department of National Defence
Leadership in Tough Times
Plenary Speaker
Academica Group
The Road Ahead for Higher Ed: Emerging Trends 2012
Plenary Speaker
Former Clerk of the Privy Council
Leadership for a World in Transition
Plenary Speaker
Shorefast Foundation
An Outport Newfoundland Journey: Discovering New Ways in an Old Continuity
Panel member
President and Vice-chancellor
University of Prince Edward Island
Atlantic Presidents' Panel
Panel member
President and Vice-chancellor
Mount Allison University
Atlantic Presidents Panel: Hot Topics in University Governance
Panel member
President and Vice-chancellor
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Atlantic Presidents Panel: Hot Topics in University Governance
Panel member
Dalhousie University
Atlantic Presidents' Panel
Professional Development Day Speaker
Executive director, Division of Marketing and Communications
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Crisis Management and Communications