2012 St. John's
Plenary Speaker
Former Chief of the Defense Staff
Department of National Defence
Leadership in Tough Times
Plenary Speaker
Academica Group
The Road Ahead for Higher Ed: Emerging Trends 2012
Plenary Speaker
Former Clerk of the Privy Council
Leadership for a World in Transition
Plenary Speaker
Shorefast Foundation
An Outport Newfoundland Journey: Discovering New Ways in an Old Continuity
Panel member
President and Vice-chancellor
University of Prince Edward Island
Atlantic Presidents' Panel
Panel member
President and Vice-chancellor
Mount Allison University
Atlantic Presidents Panel: Hot Topics in University Governance
Panel member
President and Vice-chancellor
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Atlantic Presidents Panel: Hot Topics in University Governance
Professional Development Day Speaker
Executive director, Division of Marketing and Communications
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Crisis Management and Communications